Decorative Plumbing

-- it has to have some purpose, right?

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Sick days

Thursday/Friday are daycare days here at Casa InfID. I love the girl to pieces, but when Thursday comes around, I can’t throw her into the arms of her daycare teachers fast enough and sprint away for a couple of hours*. This is my time to do grown-up stuff, like working on my ART career. I usually try to fit as many of my ART appointments (including acupuncture etc.) on those two days, although we all know with our sensitive female cycles, that doesn’t always work out so well. Sometimes I even manage to do fun stuff, like have a nice cup of coffee all by myself.

Today is Thursday. But the daycare didn’t want my girl. Apparently they don’t like kids who cough and sneeze and run a fever. I don’t either. What made matters a tad bit more challenging today was the fact that Mr. H is away on yet another “vacation” (aka business) trip to Europe. And therefore I have been alone with a (sick) toddler for a couple of days and nights now. Lovely internet, you probably get the picture.

First I cancelledmy appointments. Then I turned on the TV. When that lost its entertainment value for a while (yes, Miss V. watched a lot of TV today), I tried cleaning. She loves cleaning her potty (which she refuses to use by the way) with a water spray bottle. Then we used the vacuum. Have you ever used a vacuum cleaner when a toddler insists on helping you? The whole enterprise was so hysterical that I couldn’t help but have some good, needed laughs about it. Needless to say, the cleaning wasn’t very thorough. But then again, it probably never is.

So tomorrow is another (forced) sick day for the two of us. I think Mr. H owes me big time when he gets back tomorrow evening. Big, big time. Particularly, since he’ll be gone again in a week. He claims, he misses us on these trips, but come on, he flies to Europe TWICE in one month?!

The reason why he has to come home in between those two trips is, of course, to have ovulation sex. The sad truth is that although the timing is in fact a coincidence, I couldn’t help but make a mental note of it when he told me he was going away.

Lastly, sick girl = sick mother in a couple of days. Fun prospects...

* funnily enouogh, I kinda start missing her at some point and love picking her up in the afternoon.


At 7:03 AM, Blogger DD said...

Sick days are usually the only week days that I get with X as well; so it was a little weird to have this past Tuesday to ourselves because the caregiver's child was sick.

It was a little weird with both of us and no one being sick or whiney (except when I decided it was a perfect opportunity to run all kinds of errands around town).


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