Decorative Plumbing

-- it has to have some purpose, right?

Monday, September 18, 2006

Decorative Plumbing indeed OR: Another piece of the puzzle

Lovely internet, checking in with you for a short time. I figured as long as I am in a happy drug induced state, I could share with you the results of my laparoscopy/hysteroscopy.

According to Dr. Soothing the procedure was a success. According to myself, well, not so much. But here in short the good (yes, there were some!) and not so great results:

(1) I am alive and with most of my organs (minus the reproductive ones) hopefully intact
(2) Endometrioma is drained ( = success of surgery for doctor)
(3) No uterine adhesions detected. Yeah for that one!
(4) Apparently, not much endometriosis implants detected elsewhere?! Maybe the acupuncture/herbs have done some good?

Not so great to downright depressing news (once my drug induced state weans off):
(1) Could not easily remove endometrioma, so endometrioma still present (and will probably grow again)
(2) Could NOT get the metal tube opener through the uterine opening of my RIGHT tube. Too much scarring. According to doctor, it’s unlikely, yet not impossible for an embryo to pass it. Before surgery Dr. Soothing said something about “in 90% of all cases, we won’t even have to use the metal opener, because the tubes will have opened in the meantime.” I said “in 90% of all cases? Well, with my tendency to fall on the worse side of these statistics, we already know what will happen to me.” He said “Yeah, you’re right.”
(3) The downright depressing news: Left ovary is permanently married to LEFTtube. They are inseparable, leaving the one tube we thought was functional, purely decorative. More so than the blocked right tube. Huh?!

I guess, that’s another piece of the puzzle of my SIF. Sometimes, and please no beatings, I don’t understand why people with unexplained infertility want to get an answer for their infertility out of their surgeries. I have so many answers, many of them unfixable, that I don’t know where to keep them anymore!

Seriously though, I think the drugs keep the events of today somewhat cocooned from my mind’s eager, pessimistic (realistic) processing. I know they are depressing to me, yet I don’t feel it quite yet. Makes me think, I should seriously consider antidepressants. All the vitamins in the world just didn’t do this trick.

Oh, and before Iforget. Shortly before I went into surgery I read this article in a German magazine about a woman who had 13 children. The last one she decided to have at, yes, drumrolls, please, 55. And what did this article asked us? Why don't we all have so many children? Yes, why indeed.

Today wasn’t such a great day for me, but after checking in with some other bloggers, it seems to have been a pretty bad, if not worse, for too many others as well. I’m so sorry, Julia, for the crushing news you received at your ultrasound today. It’s so heartbreaking. And, Thalia, I’m so sorry for the white space where there should have been happy pink. Should have been. I’m so, so sorry.


At 6:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you had to get such bad news. And yeah, I agree, its been a pretty crappy week out in blogland.

At 9:46 AM, Blogger DinosaurD said...

Ah, there is not a lot of great news here but may I be the first to say a big congratulations on being alive and having most of your organs intact?
(Hey, we take our successes where we can, right?)

At 8:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm fairly new to this blogging - I almost feel as though I'm intruding on your personal journal. I'm sorry to hear that things are so difficult for you right now (as the drugs have certainly worn off by now). Seeing as I have already read your journal...I have recently been diagnosed with Asherman's following a D&C, retained placenta, infection/endomitritis. There really is a ton of great information on - although you seem fairly tech savvy and have probably found it already. I wish you luck. Lauren

At 11:55 PM, Anonymous bath showroom said...

I'm sorry you had to get such bad news. And yeah, I agree, its been a pretty crappy week out in blogland.


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