Survived Thanksgiving
thank you all so much for commenting on my last posts. It means a lot to me. It really does.
Thanksgiving is over and I managed to go over to my in-laws dinner. It was a very small dinner, none of the pregnant ladies were in attendance, and pregnancy talk were kept to a minimum. I couldn't have gone, however, had Mr H and I not have a big fight beforehand.
Infertility/miscarriages are hard on our marriage, which doesn't come as a surprise I suppose. Some people say they get closer BECAUSE of it, but I am not sure that's the case for us. I guess, it could be, if we had a similar style of mourning the loss of our dreams. But we really don't. To me it always seems, Mr H is sad FOR me, not necessarily WITH me. Don't know if that makes sense. But it always enhances my feelings of aloneness.
There was one time when he mentioned that a friend of ours (couple of years older, went through a bit of infertility, but ended up with a second child long before there was even a chance for us) kept telling him "just keep trying" and that this comment really bothered him. At this moment, I felt really close to Mr H.
The last couple of months seem like a dream to me. A great dream but "only" a dream nonetheless. Sometimes the memories even feel surreal. Maybe I just dreamed that I had been pregnant? But then i see the bruises from the ninja was a reality at least for some time.
Unfortunately, not long enough.
I am sooooooo with you on the husband thing. You hit the nail on the head. I think it brings people closer after it is all over, not during. At least not for me. Still thinking of you and still knowing how much it hurts.
I'm always here Kati. Perhaps this is a very sad statement about my social life :-)
I know that my husband never really felt the same sense of sorrow that I did over all of the miscarriages. It does make it very lonely but then I'm glad for him that it wasn't as difficult as it was for me. At least he respected the fact that it was different for me (even if I had to remind him a few times to stop telling me about all the people at work who were expecting or having babies).
Maybe that's what drives some of us to blog - the fact that other people do understand even if our husbands don't quite.
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