Decorative Plumbing

-- it has to have some purpose, right?

Monday, February 04, 2008


That's how I feel. I spent the weekend in bed - or at least I tried- due to a fever that now slowly turns into another cold. Mr. H was dealing with the exact same condition last weekend. Thanks, Hon.

I also have great CM (and my usual ovarian discomfort), it's just the wrong color. It's bright red. Yes, in case you are wondering, it's blood. I am so sick of spotting and bleeding.

Basically not a single day has gone by since the D&C in November without spotting, weird colored CM, or blood. During my last cycle I spotted EVERY single day from period to period. I had an ultrasound on day 14 that apparently did not raise concerns, it also showed I was close to ovulation. Two weeks later: spotting turned into bleeding. After 6 days bleeding turned into spotting, which was almost gone on day 10 when I had another ultrasound, this time a sonohysterogram. Uterus apparently looked fine, but afterwards I experienced quite the spotting. And now it's even red. Mixed with the fabulous CM that leaks and hangs out of my body. Fun, eh?

Have I mentioned that I am cranky? I called my RE because I don't think this is normal. I understand that the first few cycles after a miscarriage can be quite weird, but this weird? I don't know. How is a (infertile) "girl" (haha) supposed to take advantage of the great miscarriage induced fertility (haha) when the habitat doesn't cooperate?!

Seems like my uterus is still crying for its lost inhabitant. It held on so well for such a long time, now it can't stop grieving. Poor uterus, it has gone through so much during the last couple of years.

Oh, and then I totally forgot another reason that makes me very, very cranky: kindergarten shopping. Or deciding whether my young, shy, wonderful 4 1/2 year old child is going to be ready for it? Summer birthdays are no good when it comes to school. It's just added agony.

That's it. Crank is out.


At 1:14 AM, Blogger Kath said...

Dear Kati, ugh, you poor thing. While spotting for a few weeks after a D&C is normal, what you describe sounds a bit unusual -- I hope your RE is going to check things out. Could there have been some retained tissue or something?

I'm sorry you're having to deal with this on top of everything else. May things look up for you very, very soon, my dear.

At 6:51 AM, Blogger DD said...

Have you had a pap in the past year? I ask because I'm wondering if all the spotting is coming from your cervix and vaginal walls and not the uterus. Just another question to throw in the mix and make your head spin. Sorry about that, but "no stone unturned" and all that crap.


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