Decorative Plumbing

-- it has to have some purpose, right?

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Bone Marrow donor?

I was wrong and I like it. The sun was shining here in the Northwest afterall! Though it's still much too chilly for my taste. After all, it's June...The pathology report came back on my mole and i am happy to report that all is good.

Today at the park, I ran into a father whose baby is seriously sick from the day he was born and spent pretty much most of his life at the hospital (we are fortunate to live close to a great childrens' hospital). I didn't understand all of it, but from what I gathered the young boy was born with a severe immune system dysfunction. He had a bone marrow transplant some time ago and was just now allowed to go outside for the first time in his life. The father urged me to think about being part of the national bone marrow registry. I think I'll do it. In fact, I should have done this a long time ago. It does cost some money to register, but it is worth it for me. I may not be able to grow new life, but maybe I can help sustain a child's life nonetheless?

My RE is not the best of record keepers. Maybe he tries to hide that I am still his patient, after all I am not really a success story. I called today to make my ultrasound appointment and nobody knew what I was talking about. I didn't think it was that exotic to get your lining checked after a hysteroscopy, particularly not if it was suggested by your doctor (who didn't leave any notes about your last appointment in your folder). I guess i should have called earlier, but RE appointments are not my most favorite things to do.

I talked to one of my SILs a while ago. She had a miscarriage a couple of months ago and is trying to get pregnant again. I think she's now in the stage where it starts to bother one not to get knocked up immediately because after all it shouldn't be that difficult, right? I remember that stage. And then the one where I couldn't any longer ignore that something was seriously wrong. Getting my period back then was emotionally far worse than it is now. It's been almost three years that I set out to try for another baby. It's been almost five years that my body nurtured a baby. I was 34 when I tried for my second baby, as old as my SIL is now. It's pretty useless to think about it, but damn do I wish I didn't get Asherman's after Miss V birth. With two dysfunctional tubes at 34 I had no chance. And you know what my gynacologist said when I voiced some concern about my light periods? "scarring is so rare, don't worry about it." Yeah, well. But it's futile to wonder about the ifs. 34 for me is gone...long gone. I can't help it though I am still hoping for one ninja, even at the somewhat ancient age of 37 (and apparently I am more ancient at 37 than others). Cute, eh?


At 12:41 AM, Blogger KarenO said...

Never give up hope kati! Well at least not until you are ready to :) I'm 40 - and still hoping, so hang in there!

At 8:33 PM, Blogger Leah said...

Being a bone marrow donor is an incredibly noble thing to do. I applaud you for even considering it, regardless of whether you actually go through with it.

That sucks that you've slipped through the cracks at your RE's office. WTF? As if you probably don't feel half-shitty about yourself most of the time anyway, do you really need those people to forget your plight? Geez.

Thanks for your comment on my blog, it helps to know I'm not alone.


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